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Version: 0.15.x


Pixelator is open-source software developed on GitHub. Contributions are welcomed and greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.

For detailed instructions on how to proceed to install our development environment and start contributing, please, read our developers guidelines.

If you encounter any problems or want to coordinate your contributions, please, contact us at Support.

Contributor License Agreement

First time contributors to PixelgenTechnologies/pixelator are required to sign our Contributor License Agreement (CLA). The signing process is easy and integrated in GitHub.

When you make a Pull Request (PR), a GitHub action will run to check if you have previously signed the CLA. If not, a comment will be added to the PR with a link to the CLA and instruction on how to sign the CLA.

To sign the CLA you can simply add a comment on the Pull Request with the exact text:

I have read the CLA Document and I hereby sign the CLA

After signing, you can create a new comment with recheck to trigger the signing status check again.

After a few seconds the message on the PR will update and should now show:

All contributors have signed the CLA ✍️ ✅

Signing the CLA is a one-time process and valid for all future contributions to Pixelator.