3D Cell visualization
In this tutorial, we will make 3D visualization of the graph components that constitute cells in MPX data using R.
Load data
We will continue with the stimulated T cell data that we analyzed in the previous tutorial (Karlsson et al., Nature Methods 2024).
DATA_DIR <- "path/to/local/folder"
Sys.setenv("DATA_DIR" = DATA_DIR)
pg_data_combined <- readRDS(file.path(DATA_DIR, "uropod_spatial.rds"))
An object of class Seurat
1325 features across 786 samples within 3 assays
Active assay: colocalization (1225 features, 406 variable features)
2 layers present: data, scale.data
2 other assays present: mpxCells, polarization
2 dimensional reductions calculated: pca, umap
Now we can select components with high colocalization for a specific marker pair to get some good example components to work with. First, we will filter our colocalization scores to keep only CD162/CD50 and then we will add the abundance data for CD162, CD37 and CD50 to the colocalization table.
# Make sure that we are using the correct assay
DefaultAssay(pg_data_combined) <- "mpxCells"
colocalization_scores <-
ColocalizationScores(pg_data_combined, meta_data_columns = "sample") %>%
unite(contrast, marker_1, marker_2, sep = "/") %>%
filter(contrast == "CD162/CD50") %>%
left_join(y = FetchData(pg_data_combined, vars = c("CD162", "CD50", "CD37"), layer = "counts") %>%
as_tibble(rownames = "component"),
by = "component")
Next, we will select components with high colocalization scores for CD162/CD50. In the histogram below, we see the distribution of Pearson Z scores for the CD162/CD50 colocalization. Since we want to narrow down the selection of components, we set a threshold for the Pearson Z scores. Here, we use a threshold of 35 to keep the components with the highest colocalization scores. Note that the threshold is arbitrary and should be adjusted based on the data.
# Set Pearson Z threshold
pearson_z_threshold <- 35
ggplot(colocalization_scores, aes(pearson_z)) +
geom_histogram(bins = 50) +
geom_vline(xintercept = pearson_z_threshold, linetype = "dashed") +
labs(title = "Pearson Z scores [CD162/CD50]")
Then we apply our threshold to get a final selection of 13 components.
plot_components <-
colocalization_scores %>%
filter(pearson_z > pearson_z_threshold, sample == "Stimulated") %>%
arrange(-CD162) %>%
select(component, pearson_z, CD162, CD50, CD37)
# A tibble: 13 × 5
component pearson_z CD162 CD50 CD37
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Stimulated_RCVCMP0000082 57.6 1039 1105 598
2 Stimulated_RCVCMP0000045 39.5 929 1205 621
3 Stimulated_RCVCMP0000132 42.9 688 700 444
4 Stimulated_RCVCMP0000568 36.8 566 462 185
5 Stimulated_RCVCMP0000296 38.5 486 738 248
6 Stimulated_RCVCMP0000308 47.2 485 557 347
7 Stimulated_RCVCMP0000535 39.3 412 651 286
8 Stimulated_RCVCMP0000059 36.6 302 467 115
9 Stimulated_RCVCMP0001141 37.8 211 113 41
10 Stimulated_RCVCMP0000122 42.0 193 241 79
11 Stimulated_RCVCMP0000453 43.9 192 212 93
12 Stimulated_RCVCMP0001049 35.8 108 212 75
13 Stimulated_RCVCMP0000431 41.5 68 118 69
Visualize single cell graph components in 3D
As one of the main features of the MPX technology, we can create
three-dimensional layouts to visualize single cells. The layout
algorithms wpmds
and fr
that we used in 2D Cell
Visualization can also be used
Pre-computed layouts
As we learned in the 2D visualization tutorial, we can use pre-computed
layouts if they are available in our PXL files. Alternatively, we use
the ComputeLayout
method to generate 3D layouts after we have loaded
our component graphs with LoadCellGraphs
. For the latter option, we
need to set dim = 3
to make sure that the layout is computed in 3D:
# Run this to load graphs and compute 3D layouts
pg_data_combined <- pg_data_combined %>%
LoadCellGraphs(cells = plot_components %>%
pull(component)) %>%
ComputeLayout(dim = 3, layout_name = "wpmds")
In this tutorial, we load the pre-computed layouts from the PXL files.
pg_data_combined <- pg_data_combined %>%
LoadCellGraphs(cells = plot_components %>%
force = TRUE,
load_layouts = TRUE)
Now when we have the 3D layouts, we can visualize component graphs as 3D
scatter plots where each point corresponds to a UPI. Just as in the 2D
plots, we can color the points based on marker abundance to see how it
is distributed on the cell surface. However, now that we have a 3D
layout, we get an interactive plot that we can rotate, pan and zoom.
Since the 3D scatter plots are quite complex, Plot3DGraph
displays the layout for a single component.
From our table above, we can select any component. The “Stimulated_RCVCMP0001141” cell is a good candidate to visualize in 3D as it has a high Pearson Z score for CD162/CD50 and high abundance of CD162, CD50 and CD37. If we project the abundance of one of the uropod markers (CD162) on the nodes, we see that counts are indeed clustered to a small area of the cell surface.
cell_id = "Stimulated_RCVCMP0001141",
marker = "CD162",
layout_method = "wpmds_3d", node_size = 3,
colors = colorRampPalette(colors = c("gray80", "orangered"))(20)) %>%
plotly::layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(title = "", showgrid = F, nticks = 0, showticklabels = F),
yaxis = list(title = "", showgrid = F, nticks = 0, showticklabels = F),
zaxis = list(title = "", showgrid = F, nticks = 0, showticklabels = F)))
We can also normalize the 3D coordinates to a unit sphere.
cell_id = "Stimulated_RCVCMP0001141",
marker = "CD162",
layout_method = "wpmds_3d", node_size = 3,
project = TRUE,
colors = colorRampPalette(colors = c("gray80", "orangered"))(20)) %>%
plotly::layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(title = "", showgrid = F, nticks = 0, showticklabels = F),
yaxis = list(title = "", showgrid = F, nticks = 0, showticklabels = F),
zaxis = list(title = "", showgrid = F, nticks = 0, showticklabels = F)))
Viewing colocalization of markers
We can also visualize the colocalization of two markers in 3D. Here, we visualize CD162 and CD50 on the same MPX cell component. We use the same approach as above, but now we create two plots and combine them in one view.
# Create a plot for CD162
plotly_obj_cd162 <- Plot3DGraph(pg_data_combined,
cell_id = "Stimulated_RCVCMP0001141",
marker = "CD162",
layout_method = "wpmds_3d", node_size = 3,
colors = colorRampPalette(colors = c("gray80", "orangered"))(20),
scene = "scene") %>%
plotly::colorbar(x = -0.1, y = 1) %>%
plotly::layout(title = list(title = ''))
plotly_obj_cd162$x$layout$annotations <- NULL
# Create a plot for CD50
plotly_obj_cd50 <- Plot3DGraph(pg_data_combined,
cell_id = "Stimulated_RCVCMP0001141",
marker = "CD50",
layout_method = "wpmds_3d", node_size = 3,
colors = colorRampPalette(colors = c("gray80", "orangered"))(20),
scene = "scene2") %>%
plotly::colorbar(y = 1)
plotly_obj_cd50$x$layout$annotations <- NULL
# Combine plots
main_plot <- plotly::subplot(plotly_obj_cd162,
plotly_obj_cd50, nrows = 1, margin = 0.06) %>%
plotly::layout(scene = list(domain = list(x = c(0, 0.5),
aspectmode = "cube")),
scene2 = list(domain = list(x = c(0.5, 1),
aspectmode = "cube"))
) %>%
main_plot$x$layout[1:2] <- NULL
# Add marker annotations
annotations = list(
x = 0.2,
y = 1.0,
text = "CD162",
xref = "paper",
yref = "paper",
xanchor = "center",
yanchor = "bottom",
showarrow = FALSE
x = 0.8,
y = 1,
text = "CD50",
xref = "paper",
yref = "paper",
xanchor = "center",
yanchor = "bottom",
showarrow = FALSE
main_plot <- main_plot %>% plotly::layout(annotations = annotations)
# We can sync the plots with some custom JavaScript code
main_plot %>%
"function(x, el) {
x.on('plotly_relayout', function(d) {
const camera = Object.keys(d).filter((key) => /\\.camera$/.test(key));
if (camera.length) {
const scenes = Object.keys(x.layout).filter((key) => /^scene\\d*/.test(key));
const new_layout = {};
scenes.forEach(key => {
new_layout[key] = {...x.layout[key], camera: {...d[camera]}};
Plotly.relayout(x, new_layout);