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Version: 0.17.x

Cell Visualization

In this tutorial, we will make visualizations of the graph components that constitute cells in MPX data. The data we will use comes from an experiment where T cells have been stimulated with a chemokine to induce them to attain a migratory phenotype. The migratory T cells form a uropod; a bulge on the cell that helps to propel the cell forward.

Upon uropod formation some proteins on the surface of the cell migrate to one pole of the cell surface to form the uropod, which we will try to visualize here. After completing this tutorial, you will be able to:

  • Select components of interest based on colocalization scores or other metrics, choosing cells with potential uropods or other features of interest.
  • Load cell graphs of the selected component IDs from a PXL file.
  • Visualize individual cell graphs and color nodes based on pixel type (A or B) or other attributes.
  • Visualize multiple components and markers, and their abundance in each node (UPIA) using color scales.
  • Visualize marker detection by coloring nodes based on whether specific markers were detected or not.



Load data

In this tutorial we will continue with the stimulated T cell data that we analyzed in the previous tutorial Spatial Analysis (Karlsson et al, Nature Methods 2024). Here we read the data files and apply the same filtering steps as in Spatial Analysis.

# The folders the data is located in:
data_files <-
c(Control = here("data/Uropod_control.layout.dataset.pxl"),
Stimulated = here("data/Uropod_CD54_fixed_RANTES_stimulated.layout.dataset.pxl"))

# Read .pxl files as a list of Seurat objects
pg_data <- lapply(data_files, ReadMPX_Seurat)

# Combine data to Seurat object
pg_data_combined <-
y = pg_data[-1],
add.cell.ids = names(pg_data))

# Add sample column to meta data
pg_data_combined <-
metadata = str_remove(colnames(pg_data_combined), "_.*"), = "sample")
           used  (Mb) gc trigger   (Mb)  max used   (Mb)
Ncells 3470151 185.4 5092957 272.0 5092957 272.0
Vcells 58693496 447.8 195246778 1489.7 194714687 1485.6
# Filter cells
pg_data_combined <-
pg_data_combined %>%
subset(molecules >= 8000 & tau_type == "normal")

# Fetch colocalization scores from Seurat object
colocalization_scores <- ColocalizationScores(pg_data_combined, meta_data_columns = "sample") %>%
# Remove self-correlation
filter(marker_1 != marker_2)

The data we are using constists of two samples; one control sample of unstimulated T cells, and one sample of T cells stimulated by CD54 immobilization and a chemokine to encourage cells to attain a migratory phenotype. In the previous tutorial, we found that many of the stimulated cells formed uropods, a bulge that helps the cell to migrate, through the increased colocalization of CD37, CD50, and CD162, along with the polarization of these and several other proteins.

colocalization_scores %>% 
filter(marker_1 == "CD162",
marker_2 == "CD37") %>%
ggplot(aes(sample, pearson_z, fill = sample)) +
geom_violin(draw_quantiles = 0.5) +
theme_minimal() +
labs(x = "Sample",
y = "MPX colocalization score",
title = "Colocalization between CD162 and CD37")

In this tutorial, we will select some components that have formed the uropod, as well as some that haven’t, and visualize these. Although many cells seem to have formed uropods in the stimulated samples, there are also a few in the control sample. To get some examples, let’s select the cells with the highest colocalization of CD37 and CD162 from both the control and stimulated samples. Let’s also pick some cells with low colocalization between CD37 and CD162 to compare with. We will call the cells with high colocalization of CD37 and CD162 “Uropod”, while the ones with low colocalization score “No uropod”.

plot_components <- 
colocalization_scores %>%
unite(contrast, marker_1, marker_2, sep = "/") %>%
filter(contrast == "CD162/CD37") %>%
arrange(-pearson_z) %>%
filter(pearson_z > 0) %>%
group_by(sample) %>%
# Keep the 2 with highest score per sample
filter(row_number() %in% 1:2 | rev(row_number()) %in% 1:2) %>%
select(sample, component, contrast, pearson_z) %>%
# Add a column of whether the cell is "uropod-like"
mutate(uropod_type = ifelse(pearson_z > 10,
"No uropod"),
component_number = str_extract(component, "[0-9]+") %>% as.numeric())

# A tibble: 8 × 6
# Groups: sample [2]
sample component contrast pearson_z uropod_type component_number
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 Stimulated Stimulated_RCVCMP0… CD162/C… 26.3 Uropod 9
2 Stimulated Stimulated_RCVCMP0… CD162/C… 22.2 Uropod 1881
3 Control Control_RCVCMP0000… CD162/C… 20.9 Uropod 71
4 Control Control_RCVCMP0000… CD162/C… 19.6 Uropod 407
5 Stimulated Stimulated_RCVCMP0… CD162/C… 0.220 No uropod 559
6 Stimulated Stimulated_RCVCMP0… CD162/C… 0.206 No uropod 408
7 Control Control_RCVCMP0000… CD162/C… 0.0612 No uropod 494
8 Control Control_RCVCMP0000… CD162/C… 0.0485 No uropod 538

Visualize single cell graph components in 2D

To start with, let’s visualize a single component graph. Each component graph corresponds to a cell, and is represented by a bipartite graph where nodes are UPIAs and UPIBs. The edges linking a UPIA node and a UPIB node correspond to antibody molecules that have been detected in the intersection of a specific pair of one A pixel (UPIA) and one B pixel (UPIB). MPX graphs can be converted to 2D or 3D layouts using various graph drawing algorithms. Here we will try out two different graph drawing algorithms to create 2D layouts.

Load graphs

Before we can compute and visualize the layouts for our component graphs, we need to load the graphs into our Seurat object with the LoadCellGraphs method.

Note that LoadCellGraphs creates the component graphs from the edgelist stored in the PXL file(s). Thus, it is crucial that the paths to the PXL files are correct and that the PXL files contain the correct data. If you have loaded the Seurat object from an RDS file, now is the time to ensure that the PXL files are in the right location. We can use the FSMap getter function to check the paths to the PXL files:


If the paths are incorrect, we can use the FSMap<- setter method to update them.

When we call LoadCellGraphs, we can decide exactly what components to load (cells = ...). Here, we will load a single component graph:

pg_data_combined <- pg_data_combined %>% 
LoadCellGraphs(cells = "Control_RCVCMP0000318")

Once component graphs have been loaded, we can access the graph data using the CellGraphs method. CellGraphs returns a list with one element per component. Components that have not been loaded yet will have a NULL value in the list. Each loaded component graph is stored in a CellGraph object that contains a graph, a node count matrix and an empty list of layouts:

A CellGraph object containing a bipartite graph with 2074 nodes and 3967 edges
Number of markers: 70

Pre-computed layouts

If we have access to layouts in the PXL files, we can load them by setting load_layouts = TRUE when calling the LoadCellGraphs method on our Seurat object. If we do this, you will now see that we have one layout available for this component: pmds_3d.

You can find more information about the pmds layout methods here.

pg_data_combined <- pg_data_combined %>% 
LoadCellGraphs(cells = "Control_RCVCMP0000318", load_layouts = TRUE, force = TRUE)

# Show content of the CellGraph object
A CellGraph object containing a bipartite graph with 2074 nodes and 3967 edges
Number of markers: 70
Layouts: pmds_3d

As pmds_3d is a 3D layout, we will not use it for this tutorial in 2D cell visualization.

As mentioned before, LoadCellGraphs fetches the graph data from the edgelist(s) in the PXL file(s) stored on disk, and returns a graph representation of our selected component stored in memory in the Seurat object. If we were to export this Seurat object to an RDS file, the component graph that we just loaded would also be saved and we no longer need the PXL file to access it. We can of course load all component graphs in the Seurat object, but they are quite large and we rarely need to load more than a few for visualization. For this reason, we recommend carefully selecting components of interest to load.

Compute layouts

If we do not have access to pre-computed layouts, we can generate them using the ComputeLayout method. ComputeLayout will check what components have been loaded and compute a layout for each of these components. All we need to do is to specify the layout method we want to use. Here, we will test two methods: pmds and fr.

pg_data_combined <- pg_data_combined %>% 
ComputeLayout(layout_method = "pmds") %>%
ComputeLayout(layout_method = "fr")

# Plot component with fr layout
Plot2DGraph(pg_data_combined, cells = "Control_RCVCMP0000318", layout_method = "pmds")

# Plot component with kk layout
Plot2DGraph(pg_data_combined, cells = "Control_RCVCMP0000318", layout_method = "fr")

Plot2DGraph can also color the nodes by marker counts with the marker parameter. For bipartite graphs, it is also possible to color the nodes by their types: A or B.

Plot2DGraph(pg_data_combined, cells = "Control_RCVCMP0000318", layout_method = "pmds", 
marker = "node_type", show_Bnodes = TRUE)

If we now add edges to the plot, we see how in the bipartite graph always connects one UPIA to one UPIB.

Plot2DGraph(pg_data_combined, cells = "Control_RCVCMP0000318", layout_method = "pmds", 
marker = "node_type", show_Bnodes = TRUE, map_edges = TRUE)

Now, let’s calculate layouts for all components we picked. Here we only display the UPIA nodes.

pg_data_combined <- pg_data_combined %>% 
LoadCellGraphs(cells = plot_components$component) %>%
ComputeLayout(layout_method = "pmds", seed = 1)

Plot2DGraph(pg_data_combined, cells = plot_components$component, layout_method = "pmds") +
plot_layout(ncol = 4) &
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 8))

Now, let’s visualize the abundance of some markers within the components. We will visualize the uropod markers CD37, CD50, and CD162, as well as some background markers CD45, CD3E, and B2M. Here we simply visualize the antibody count (log10(n + 1)) by coloring each UPIA by the number of antibody molecules detected, scaled from minimum to maximum per marker.

plot_markers <- 
c("CD50", "CD37", "CD162", "CD45", "CD3E", "B2M")

plot_titles <- paste(plot_components$sample,
sep = "\n") %>%
setNames(nm = plot_components$component)

layout_method = "pmds",
cells = plot_components$component,
markers = plot_markers,
colors = viridis::inferno(n = 11),
titles = plot_titles) +
plot_layout(heights = c(1, rep(2, 6)))

We can also visualize the distribution of a combination of markers. Here, we simply color UPIAs by whether CD37 and/or CD162 are detected.

detection_palette <- 
c("Not detected" = "gray",
"CD162 detected" = "#0AA3B8",
"CD37 detected" = "#DB1048",
"Both detected" = "#F4B301")

# Fetch layout coordinates
plot_data <- lapply(plot_components$component, function(nm) {
cg <- CellGraphs(pg_data_combined)[[nm]]
counts <- CellGraphData(cg, slot = "counts")[, c("CD162", "CD37")] %>%
as.matrix() %>% as_tibble()
node_type <- CellGraphData(cg, slot = "cellgraph") %>%
CellGraphData(cg, slot = "layout")$pmds %>%
mutate(component = nm) %>%
mutate(counts, node_type) %>%
filter(node_type == "A")
}) %>%, .) %>%
left_join(plot_components, by = "component")

# Create categories depending on marker counts
plot_data_detection <-
plot_data %>%
mutate(category = case_when(CD37 == 0 &
CD162 == 0 ~ "Not detected",
CD37 == 0 ~ "CD162 detected",
CD162 == 0 ~ "CD37 detected",
TRUE ~ "Both detected")) %>%
arrange(CD37 + CD162)

plot_data_detection %>%
ggplot(aes(x, y, color = category)) +
geom_point(size = 0.5) +
scale_color_manual(values = detection_palette) +
facet_wrap( ~ uropod_type + sample + component_number, ncol = 4, scales = "free") +
theme_void() +
ggtitle("Colocalization of CD37 and CD162")

In this tutorial, we chose interesting cell components from our MPX data and created layouts, depicting their spatial structure and marker abundance in 2D. While 2D visualizations give us valuable insights into the structure and composition of individual cell graphs, they are simplified projections of
structures that are actually three-dimensional.

Those who are familiar with dimensionality reduction techniques such as UMAP and t-SNE have probably noticed that adding a third dimension can reveal patterns and relationships that are hidden in 2D. Still, 3D plots are rarely suitable to include in printed material such as publications and presentation since they can be much more difficult to interpret and requires a fixed perspective. MPX components are clearly 3D structures, but 2D plots can still be useful to summarize patterns across many components. We need to be mindful about the fact that these plots are simplified representations.

With that being said, if we want to show the full complexity of the intricate patterns of proteins on the cell membrane, we need to visualize the component graphs in 3D. If you are looking for that, jump to the 3D cell visualization tutorial to learn how to explore cell graphs in 3D.